Tree removal

028 9082 5118
07702 075 595

The removal of trees is sometimes necessary as quite often trees outgrow their environment, become diseased or are dead and need removed.

At the tree company we use approved skills and techniques combined with a vast amount of experience to remove trees safely. If space allows we can fell trees with great accuracy using felling directional control techniques. Tree felling is not an option when trees are located in confined areas or obstructions are present. In these instances we use skilled rigging methods using pulleys and lowering ropes to dismantle trees in a safe and controlled manner.

Occasionally we use cranes for tree removal usually for large trees in awkward places. All of our staff are qualified for tree felling and removal techniques.

After tree removal stumps are often left and sometimes become a nuisance . Removing stumps yourself can be hard and even dangerous work. The Tree Company provides a hassle free stump grinding service. We can remove any stump regardless of size or quantity using our stump grinding machine, which enables us to efficiently grind out roots to a depth of 12 – 14 inches. The location can then have topsoil and grass added.

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